Goodfest Get Wylder at Goodfest
Workshop information
We will give attendees exclusive access to the ‘Get Wylder at Goodfest’ challenge on the new Wylder app.
This challenge will help attendees to engage with nature and feel in the present moment, helping them to make the most of their experience at Goodfest and leave with an increased appreciation for how engaging with nature can improve their wellbeing.
The ‘Get Wylder at Goodfest’ challenge will have 5 easy ways to ‘get wylder’ and is designed specifically to let attendees connect to the venue’s gardens and the inspiring landscape right on its doorstep. An example challenge could be… ‘Turning Tide’: Notice how the shape of the beach changes with the tide, filling the cove at high tide and leaving a vast, stretch of sand at low tide.
Attendees can do as little or as many challenges as they wish in pockets of time between scheduled events from on arrival to during a lunch break.
We believe if people connect they will want to take action to protect, so every participant who wants to ‘Get Wylder at Goodfest’ will also be given a pack of Wylder wildflower seeds as part of our Million Flower Meadow initiative.
About Kate Nicholls
In 2018, I had a life changing mountain bike accident. The long term recovery from this gave me first hand experience of seeing nature with new eyes, giving me a unique insight into how a more meaningful connection can be made to improve wellbeing. This became the inspiration for Wylder.
Workshop experience to date:
- Writing and facilitating outdoor learning training and wellbeing workshops for adults.
- Creating and running regular outdoor nature school events (+700 children and staff at each event).
- Teaching lessons across the curriculum outside the classroom and facilitating Forest School sessions for all ages.