Goodfest Output
The resulting actions of our previous events

Goodfest actions
At Goodfest, while we love having creative conversations and the ‘talk between the talks’, the important thing is to inspire action.
We know that previous festivals have helped individuals and businesses focus on the change they want to make.
And collectively, the Goodfest community have also contributed to some prompts for wider action through the work we did together online at our two digital festivals.

Sustainable Creative Charter
We hope that all creative individuals and practices alongside organisations that commission creatives will join us in making this commitment. Read the charter, sign and download the badge on the Sustainable Creative Charter website.
Sign the charter
Goodfest Scrapbook
When our 2020 festival had to move online due to the pandemic, the Goodfest team worked with CLASH, Cornwall’s Climate and Sustainability Hive, to explore opportunities and challenges of creating change in an uncertain world.
See the scrapbookGoodfest sponsors & partners
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