Goodfest Big Kid Energy Energy: Stay motivated from the inside-out

Workshop information

Rather than only keeping ourselves motivated by a moral calling to act, this workshop will help creatively explore how to tap into our intrinsic motivation and that of others – through play – and what that means to each of us.

Think of this session as hydration for the sustainability soul. If you are feeling parched, come and drink 🙂

  • We’ll dig into;
    The idea of ‘play styles and personalities’ and how they can be harnessed to make us, and other people, be actually excited to show up, rather than only feeling we (or) they should.
  • How to practically bring these play preferences into our day to day work to increase our agency, enthusiasm, impact.
  • What we can learn about how well we engage others in our work.
  • Consider playfulness as a handy attribute of 21st century humans, linking a way of ‘being’ to an impactful way of ‘doing’.

Being playful does not have to mean frivolous or fun, but can rather be seriously useful. It is a willingness to experiment, joy-seek and keep on our tippy-toes in fast changing and precarious times.

Highly interactive. Expect a lot of LEGO® and a bunch of other ways to enjoy yourselves while also being very clever and effective adults 😉

Lucy Hawthorne

About Lucy Hawthorne

Lucy Hawthorne is a campaigner at heart and Founder of Climate Play. Through play-based programmes, she helps make it safe, light and fun for people to face climate change. Combining LEGO with climate psychology, she helps organisations to engage more honestly, deeply and creatively, whether they are getting started or have gotten stuck.

After a while in the NGO-scene, she became concerned the heaviness of the conversation was affecting energy to act. So now she challenges the norm of serious seriousness as always the best way to get things done. She is a qualified coach and LEGO® Serious Play® facilitator.

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