Goodfest Animism and the Art of Dreaming

Workshop information

How can animism help us to dream big and act now? 99% of humans who have walked this Earth were animists. In these modern times we are the 1%.

My workshop will begin with a short talk on the importance of connecting with our animistic past and intuition, and of experiencing the world as part of nature rather than as an observer of it. We’ll also cover the importance of animism within the human community and discuss some of the ritual and ceremony that bound our ancestors together as groups sharing a deep level of consciousness (20 minutes).

In the second part of the workshop we will move into a practical practice to allow participants to experience this feeling first hand by dreaming and humming. The group will split into two, one will hold the space by sitting and humming/singing (no skill at singing required), while the other half lie down and participate in a shared dreaming session (2 x 30 mins). The groups will then swap so everyone gets to participate in both practices. Participants will leave having experienced practices that have synchronised their heartbeats, and given them space to dream together.

Lisa Telfer Brunton

About Lisa Telfer Brunton

Lisa is a passionate animist who’s own personal search for meaning has taken her from the togethership of international dance floors in her 30’s to a much more personal relationship with nature in her 40’s. The thread of shared experience through music and song has been an integral part of this journey into a closer relationship with both nature and the human connection within that. Facilitating shared connection through communal practice forms the core of her work within the animistic space.

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