Goodfest Manda Brookman

Manda Brookman, Permanently Brilliant, Café Disruptif and CoaST.

Manda Brookman has been working in Cornwall for the last 20 years in the fields of change, resilience and creative disruption. Prior to moving to Cornwall, she worked in and with a range of third sector organisations over 15 years on local, national and international programmes around waste, homelessness and sustainable development-specific networking and communications. Once in Cornwall she co-founded CoaST, the One Planet Tourism Network, with over 3,000 members across 50 countries.

The sustainable tourism network now sits as a sister network within the Permanently Brilliant cluster, next to work to promote systems thinking and systems challenge through action on environmental growth, and social and environmental justice. It also runs the Café Disruptif network, providing support for “creative disruptors”, with great focus on the climate and biodiversity emergencies, and their social and ecological impacts. Permanently Brilliant is a systems-thinking social enterprise connecting economic, social and environmental transformational shift, with a particular focus on the psychology of change and our curious response to crisis.

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